About Me
Hi, I'm Kate
It's good to meet you
Over the past fifteen years I've supported more that a thousand women from all over the world to re-discover themselves, their strengths and their personal power so they can live a life they truly love.
My signature programme, Live Powerfully was recognised as The Best International Women's Life Coaching Programme 2021 by the GHP Healthcare and Pharmaceuitical Awards.

How I got here
In my twenties I burnt out, so much so I was ill for 7 years unable at some points to walk down the two flights of stairs in my home. I had imposter syndrome at work, was a people pleaser, had panic attacks, trauma in my life and I was completely exhausted.
I have lived with burnout, feeling powerless, and that I'm just existing. I have experienced trauma, loss, mental health issues, long-term chronic health conditions and I have used the systems I teach to unlock my own personal power.
I've used them to dramatically improve my health, solidify my resilience and mental strength, build wonderful self-esteem, and lose a significant amount of weight. I am now living the life I always dreamed of,
I have a loving family including seven-year-old twins, and I've identified and am fulfilling my life purpose of supporting other women to live powerfully too.

Why I do it
I've met too many amazing women who have no idea how powerful they are. They are moving towards burnout, although probably don't know it as they are so used to ignoring the signs that things aren't right in their lives.
My mission is simple: to empower these women to raise their rock bottom, so they don't wait any longer to step into their own powerful selves and thrive resiliently, no matter what happens.


Three Facts
about me

My Positive Psychology top 5 character strengths are:
Perspective wisdom / Curiosity and interest in the world / Social intelligence / Kindness and generosity / Leadership

The ocean is my happy place. Whether I'm in it, on it, or simply by it, water re-energises me.

I was once charged at by an elephant in Zambia.
Life lesson: always take the time to check you are not setting up camp on a water hole path, even if it's the middle of the night and you just want to get to bed.
Let's Chat
Contact me
If you would like to find out more about how I could support you to make changes in your life please call or email me or you can book directly here:
+44 (0) 7964 844 375