Are you moving towards burnout?

Tired of just coping?

Take the Burnout Radar today and discover how to live powerfully.

Join my 'Thrive in 5' challenge.
8 days. Self-paced. 5 minutes a day. 

Designed for busy, smart women who are
fed up of surviving and are ready to thrive.


What's Inside:

  • Your Burnout Radar - so you can identify, measure, and manage the 8 key components of powerful living. 
  • 'Thrive in 5' - each morning for 8 days you will receive an email with your five minute simple action for that day. So you can start to see changes straight away!
  • Including: 2 minute energy booster, self-compassion in 4 minutes and 3 minute happiness reset. 

"I feel confident, proud and excited about my future. Kate has enabled me to maximise my potential and I feel changed forever."

Gabrielle, 36

Too busy to focus on you?

Whether you are time poor or struggling because 'it's not that bad', I get it. But, one thing I've learnt through more than 15 years supporting women is that NOW always is the best time for change.

And 'Thrive in 5' has simple actions that take on average just 5 minutes but can lead to great positive changes in your everyday life. So, grab my free 8 day challenge to learn what it takes to live more powerfully.


A Note from Kate Gare


I created my Burnout Radar and 'Thrive in 5' challenge because I meet so many amazing women who are:

- tired all the time

- finding less joy in life 

- unable to perform at their best in their personal and professional life.

Often, they don't realise that small changes can make a massive difference.

I burnt-out and was ill for seven years as a result - I even struggled to walk down the stairs. And now I want to help you to avoid such stuckness. 

It's my passion to support as many women as possible to flourish, to live powerfully, and to lead lives they love!

I do these activities myself and teach them to my private clients and, now, I want to share them with you.

They are a great starting point to move away from burnout and move towards a powerful, resilient life. 

Much love, 

Kate xx


Start Thriving Today!

8 Days. 8 Actions. 5 minutes a day. Big Results.

You will receive emails from [email protected] for the 'Thrive in 5' challenge and strategies and tips to live powerfully. You can unsubscribe at any time.

Disclaimer: This tool does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. It is intended for informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Never ignore professional medical advice in seeking treatment because of something you have read in this download or 'Thrive in 5' challenge.  If you think you may need medical support, contact your doctor or, in the case of an emergency, emergency services.
